More good things where that came from........

Happy Sunday!

Pleased to announce the pairing of................................





Presenting~ FROZEN MySize Dolls Raffle!

FROZEN RAFFLE to support TBOT and HSP!

Now including bonus prizes
~Epicure $40 credit donated by Kari Pattinson shipped or delivered to you free of cost

~ Stainless steel necklace donated by Project Timothy: Piece by Piece (AKA Yours Truly)

~ 2015 Happy Soul Project calendar and kids t-shirt donated by Tara McCallan of Happy Soul Project (if you're not following her yet, you should be)


Only $5 per entry and your five bucks will support all of these amazing on friends, read on.........

- Brantford and area special needs support groups
~Kick cancer's arse capes
-Project Timothy: piece by piece
~Different is beautiful campaign by Happy Soul Project

And so much more!

Prizes will be drawn Wednesday, December 10th @ 7pm and delivered to winners just in time for Christmas.

We really need your help out there guys....

From Tara @ Happy Soul Project~

"All money for fundraiser will be donated to Happy Soul Project's Kick-It-Capes...A campaign in which we send kids facing any type of serious illness or vast difference that needs an extra dose of super-hero strength a special personalized cape and care package."

Help us to INSPIRE CHANGE five dollars at a time.............

tHe BoOk Of TiMoThY oN fAcEbOoK

HaPpY sOuL pRoJeCt On FaCeBoOk

GoFundMe/ Frozen MySize Doll raffle

So in order to collect funds to put some of my ideas into action, I need moola first.

If you can't help (which I understand) please share share share away!

Please check out the below links to purchase a raffle ticket for $5 to win this fabulous prize valued @ $119.98 USD:


My top five tips to get through the holidays with sanity intact~


Its that time of year again….Christmas decorations, family and friends…jam packed malls and parades…people in your personal space….a sensory sensitive child’s nightmare! (and their parents)

Run!  Hide if you can and bury your head in the turkey’s behind if you must…or read about my tried and true tips learned through sweat, tears and trial and error.

5)  Breathe.  Its thirty days, you can do almost anything for thirty days if you have to.

4)  Use the small doses rule.  Short bursts of Christmas/people/noise a day.  One hour is usually the max before the boy’s ready to implode (me too).

3.5)  Wine or specially infused egg nog!

3)  Introduce pictures of the holiday type creatures and characters weeks in advance.  Preparation people!  Its worth the time.

2)  Be aware of the 5 senses~ you child will be hypersensitive so be flexible.  If you don’t sit on Santa’s knee this year, oh well….the elves look scary or weird who cares…Grandpa’s breath stinks….you get where I’m going here.

1.5)  There's always next year.................

1)  Your Christmas is your Christmas is your Christmas.  There is no right or wrong way to celebrate the holidays.  They will be what you make of them.  So make them happy whatever you end up doing.



tHe BoOk Of TiMoThY bLoG


The thank you I never got to say….

Its a long list I”m not gonna lie peeps.

When I’m in the zone (you know that eye-twitching-glazed over one) when the boy is having a tantrum on the floor in the middle of the therapy lobby…..shins getting a mean beating from his furious kicks~ thank you to the parents that don’t stare.  Thank you for your supportive silence and thank you for not commenting on my child’s behaviour.

Thanks to the Tim’s cashier who didn’t laugh at my son who stripped in front of the donut display because well donuts and being in your skivvies go together right?

Thanks to the (many) therapists that take punches, scratches and kicks from my child without blinking an eye.  Thank you for your supportive silence while I apologize in tears like a blubbering idiot.

Thank you various drive thrus for not questioning my use of sunglasses at all hours of the night because my eyes are puffy and red from crying about things I cannot change.

Thank you to the doctor who diagnosed my son.  I can’t say I felt thankful that day years ago, but I realize you gave us a gift that I wouldn’t dream of re-gifting. 

Thank you to my friends and family for watching my endless videos of Timothy saying actual words and listening to me gush.  Thanks for not saying you have already seen it five times.

Thank you to the respite programs for giving us Moms and Dads a break.  For understanding and not making me feel guilty for actually using the hours to do something for myself or with the other kids.

Thank you to my daycare provider.  Not only do you put up with me, you are the only one willing to take on my special needs kid….(just kidding)  I mean, who really wants to change diapers for a 6 year old?  You do it anyway.  Thank you for that.

Thank you to Timothy’s Daddy.  Autism has changed us both and I thank you for being open minded and always accepting, never ashamed.

Finally, thank you to my son.   You are the greatest teacher I have known in this life and you are only six years old.  You are smart and so amazing.  You have opened my eyes to so many new and wonderful things.  Without you, I wouldn’t be me.  I will spend every day I have left on this earth thanking you for that.

2014-08-07 22.00.44

HEART Love Trish.

tHeBoOkOfTiMoThY oN fAcEbOoK

Hi all! Just a quick update to let you know I will be away from the blog from today (November 5) until November 14th.

Please feel free to send an email (just click here!) with any comments or questions and I will be sure to get back to you!