Patience for the holidays~

I wanted to get a quick entry done before Christmas and its taken me days to get sat down in front of the computer.  Work, IBI and school in general winding down has taken its toll on our lives and sleeping has become a novelty around here.

Amidst the chaos there is beauty if I take time to breathe it in.  Timothy has been doing well at IBI with less aggression but now is tired and frustrated at school.  His bouts of aggression at home have increased due to him (and us!) being tired of  always on the go go go.  In fact I am currently nursing a sore nose as I type but that is besides the point.  I tell myself he doesn’t mean it, and its because of his frustration, not really directed at us but yet, it leaves me with a dull ache inside my chest.  These kids (all of them) need me and if I can be strong so can they.

Christmas here means a pretty tree and neat decorations that light up and play music.  Its another day to Timothy-one’s meaning that I hope he can absorb eventually.  He’s not interested in the gifts or tearing off the paper or really even the surprise inside.  I hope by sharing this post, I can inspire people to remember to be kind this holiday season.  Not everyone you see “gets” Christmas or can build snowmen or enjoy a parade.  Its damn hard for some.  It brings tears and frustration.  Sadness to families that are celebrating in the only way they can.  That child you see melting down at Walmart or the grocery store may not necessarily be acting out, but responding to stress in the only way they know how to.  I will get off my soapbox now.  Holidays are what you make them. 

Mine is about gratitude.  Alot of it.  I know things could be worse as someone callously said to me once…but there is a ring of truth to it.  We are blessed with three beautiful children and all of them teach me things every. single. day.  No regrets here, not one.

Merry Christmas to each and every one of you reading this!  Thank you so much for your support this year it means the world to me.


Trish. xoxo

“Isn’t there anyone who knows what Christmas is about?”

We watched Charlie Brown the other night.  Takes me back to my childhood and I’m happy to continue the tradition with my own children.

“Skyboobs some milk!”  Timothy’s pet name for Skylar hahaha, makes me laugh every time I hear it.  Its kind of a Christmas miracle to hear him request anything…its kind of a BIG deal.  Any time I look back to how far he(we) have come I am amazed.

I just completed and dropped off the Incontinence Grant forms to our pediatrician as Timothy is getting into a new age category:6-19 yrs.  His grant amount will go up (hopefully) next year, although I’m not quite sure even what diapers you go to after you outsize Huggies/Pampers pull ups?  Guess soon we will find out.  The young lad is up to about forty pounds these days and TALL.  What he eats right now is popcorn and a lot of it.  We go through a big box of orville at least per week.  Has to be in the microwave “bowl” packaging, not a plastic bowl, heaven forbid.


IBI has begun and our lives have become even crazier.  Timothy goes to school Tuesdays and Thursdays and to IBI Monday, Wednesday and Fridays 9-1230 which has become a bit of a   scheduling nightmare.  Thankfully we have a wonderful daycare provider who helps out a lot with pick ups. 

He started out with a bit of a set back.  The staff found him quite aggressive and to my dismay things were scaled back from 9-3 to 9-1230.  I was scared.  IBI was “it”.  If he can’t do it then now what?  Thankfully they are tolerant at therapy and reassured us that he wouldn’t be “kicked out” things would just be slowed down.  Timothy is tired but getting used to this new schedule.  It is WORK.  So that’s what we call it.  When he’s finished “work” we go to McDonalds for french fries.  Its become a routine.  His therapists are surprised and excited to tell us that Timothy has many skills!

I feel peace this December.  I feel happiness.  My life isn’t what I pictured it to be, its even better.