Several years ago Timothy was considered to be non verbal autistic. I used to be asked time and time again what it was like. How did I know he loved me? Felt love?
I would automatically say that I knew he did, though sometimes I felt far less confident.
Often he would touch my face. Pat my back with a quick tempo in one spot or smile at me with bright eyes (oh those eyes....) To say my child felt nothing was like blowing a bloody hole through my heart. I mean, it's one if those heart stopping, gut wrenching moments that make you suck your breath in quickly and just stop...take it all in and think, yes this is really happening, it's real. This is what it's all about.
I love you Mommy.
I knew Timothy felt love. I knew it. One day he would tell me, but until that day the words left his lips he told me in other ways.
He let me hug him. Yes, let me. For a time he disliked being touched and let me tell you, that hurt. I knew it wasn't personal but oh, the hurt when he pushed me was like a brick sat on my chest.
He would seek out my eyes for a moment to let me know he was there. To be honest sometimes I wasn't sure when he was with me and when he was not. I would call his name and he wouldn't flinch or bat an eye. Family questioned his hearing, his eye sight. No. It was autism that had his attention.
Not long ago the words formed on his lips and left his mouth like little sparrows like I knew they eventually would.
"I love you Mommy."

The world did stop turning for several moments while I processed what he had said and I'm not quite sure he understood my tears or the big deal I made of this...
It was and still holds court as one of the biggest freaking deals ever in the history of Mr Timothy and his accomplishments.
Timothy doesn't have much spontaneous speech and this was no exception - it was practiced and modeled after my own "I love you Timothy's " for months and even years.
I love you Mommy.
When it can't be physically said it's being said in other ways. A look, a touch, an action. You just have to follow the breadcrumbs.
Love to you and yours,
Trish. XO
I found your blog via Birthday Party Invitation/Good Morning America. That post moved me to tears. Your blog post makes me cry (in a good way). Your son, you, your struggles. Sending hugs and well wishes! Anna, New York, NY
ReplyDeleteHave you looked into sensory therapy for Timothy? As the grandmother of two beautiful children with autism I can relate to your feelings. We have been doing Mendability for two years now and both have made a lot of progress. It is a scientifically proven therapy. It is affordable and is something you can do at home. It's enjoyable for both Timothy and you - great bonding time.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing yours and Timothys story. Very inspiring. Very honest. Very human. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing. I'm a mother of four boys, two of which have been diagnosed with Autism and a third son with mild ID. It is tough some days more than others. To watch my son's conquer their milestones or witness the slightest hurdles life throws atvthem is miraculous . It's beautiful to hear those few words I love you mom. Or to get a hug! The things that are taken for granted by others are the things that I appreciate the most. Thank you kindly for your share it gives joy reading a fellow parents thoughts, struggles, joys and hope. It reminds me I'm not the only one !
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing Timothy's and your story. My 10 year old grandson has autism and I know some days are harder than others for my daughter and the rest of the family, but they get through them all together. My grandson is also nonverbal but shows his love in so many ways. we are truly blessed and my prayers are with you and your family as well.
ReplyDeleteYour story has made my day I'm a mother of a loving 5 year old boy who has been diagnosed with autism whom also is non verbal. I worry all the time how his classmates will treat him and so far so good while he's currently in preschool but hey I'm his mommy so I extra worry I love him soooo much. thanks for sharing your story I stumbled upon this at the best time in my life because he's starting kindergarten next year and I hope he finds a special friend that understands like your son. :)
ReplyDeletethe below info might help your son's autism............
ReplyDeleteAUTISM - Kerri Rivera developed the Chlorine Dioxide (CD) autism treatment protocol that addresses the presence of pathogens, such as fungi, bacteria, heavy metals, parasites, candida, etc., found in almost every child with autism / Candida proven to be a cause / low dose naltroxene ( / gluten & dairy-free diet / cannabis oil help patients to talk / Dr Russell Blaylock vaccine detox / Lugol's iodine / Bacteriodes fragilis bolster the immune system and reduce autism / vitamin b12 (adeno B12) and vitamin B3 help with autism / visit and for very useful advice.
AUTISM - Kerri Rivera developed the Chlorine Dioxide (CD) autism treatment protocol that addresses the presence of pathogens, such as fungi, bacteria, heavy metals, parasites, candida, etc., found in almost every child with autism / Candida proven to be a cause / low dose naltroxene ( / gluten & dairy-free diet / cannabis oil help patients to talk / Dr Russell Blaylock vaccine detox / Lugol's iodine / Bacteriodes fragilis bolster the immune system and reduce autism / vitamin b12 (adeno B12) and vitamin B3 help with autism / visit and for very useful advice.
ReplyDeleteThis is an awesome story. I'm glad you shared it. I am a widow with a 5 year old who also has Autism. People do not know or understand how hard it can be at times for the children or the parents. I took my son to the Dinosaurs Exhibition today at Cobo Center in Detroit. He loves dinosaurs and was so excited to see this exhibit. As most kids his age 5 are anxious and not so patient when it comes to waiting in line to go into the bouncy house, he was no different. He had a full blow episode while waiting in line. I had to restrain him from running and from hurting himself by throwing himself to the ground kicking and screaming. People in line were staring at us and even making rude comments while we were standing there and we could hear them. So I kindly turned around and said " one should not talk about others when you do not know what is going on". My child is Autistic and does required more understanding, love and patience than most kids. I also said " don't tell me I'm not a good mother just because my son is Autistic, try walking a mile in my shoes honey. Once it was his turn the nice worker gave me a hug and said " it's not your fault and your doing an awesome job". Once he was done bouncing, I just hugged him and cried in rhe middle of the exhibit. So tired of the rude comments and stares. People should be more considerate and never judge a book by it's cover. The mom who invited your son is a wonderful woman and she even thought of a way for Timothy to have just as much fun as the rest of the kids. Thank you for sharing! It gives me Hope that their are still some people in this world that have a heart.
ReplyDeleteThis is an awesome story. I'm glad you shared it. I am a widow with a 5 year old who also has Autism. People do not know or understand how hard it can be at times for the children or the parents. I took my son to the Dinosaurs Exhibition today at Cobo Center in Detroit. He loves dinosaurs and was so excited to see this exhibit. As most kids his age 5 are anxious and not so patient when it comes to waiting in line to go into the bouncy house, he was no different. He had a full blow episode while waiting in line. I had to restrain him from running and from hurting himself by throwing himself to the ground kicking and screaming. People in line were staring at us and even making rude comments while we were standing there and we could hear them. So I kindly turned around and said " one should not talk about others when you do not know what is going on". My child is Autistic and does required more understanding, love and patience than most kids. I also said " don't tell me I'm not a good mother just because my son is Autistic, try walking a mile in my shoes honey. Once it was his turn the nice worker gave me a hug and said " it's not your fault and your doing an awesome job". Once he was done bouncing, I just hugged him and cried in rhe middle of the exhibit. So tired of the rude comments and stares. People should be more considerate and never judge a book by it's cover. The mom who invited your son is a wonderful woman and she even thought of a way for Timothy to have just as much fun as the rest of the kids. Thank you for sharing! It gives me Hope that their are still some people in this world that have a heart.
ReplyDeleteAUTISM - Kerri Rivera developed the Chlorine Dioxide (CD) autism treatment protocol that addresses the presence of pathogens, such as fungi, bacteria, heavy metals, parasites, candida, etc., found in almost every child with autism / Candida proven to be a cause / low dose naltroxene ( / gluten & dairy-free diet / cannabis oil help patients to talk / Dr Russell Blaylock vaccine detox / Lugol's iodine / Bacteriodes fragilis bolster the immune system and reduce autism / vitamin b12 (adeno B12) and vitamin B3 help with autism / visit and for very useful advice.
DeleteRead my post below might be helpful for you.
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Savvy discussion . Speaking of which if you are wanting a MI MC 03 , my colleague discovered a fillable version here
DeleteI would like to share an interesting story with you about a boy who was Autistic and non-verbal. I will also include information about a product which the mom used and for which I am a distributor. If that is not ok, I understand. I would tell you more here but I don't want to 'spam' you. Write me at >>
ReplyDeletePS..the boy is no longer non-verbal and is not having hardly any 'meltdowns'. It's very exciting.
Trish, Don't give up the fight. Keep writing. hang in there and all that stuff. You are a gift to your son and the rest of the world.
ReplyDelete"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." — Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
the below info might help your son's autism............
ReplyDeleteAUTISM - Kerri Rivera developed the Chlorine Dioxide (CD) autism treatment protocol that addresses the presence of pathogens, such as fungi, bacteria, heavy metals, parasites, candida, etc., found in almost every child with autism / Candida proven to be a cause / low dose naltroxene ( / gluten & dairy-free diet / cannabis oil help patients to talk / Dr Russell Blaylock vaccine detox / Lugol's iodine / Bacteriodes fragilis bolster the immune system and reduce autism / vitamin b12 (adeno B12) and vitamin B3 help with autism / visit and for very useful advice.
What else can i say rather than to thank Doctor Osemu who God used to reunite my marriage. Each day of my life, i ask God to bless Dr. Osemu for he has made my life complete by bringing back my husband to me and for this reason, i made a vow to my self that i will testify on the internet to let the world know that Dr. Osemu is a God on Earth. My husband and i had a fight for three days which led to our divorce. On this faithful day, i came across a testimony of how Dr. Osemu helped a lady in getting back her lover. So, i contacted him and explained to him and he told me that my days of sorrows are over that my husband will come back to me within 12 to 16 hours for he's going to prepare a spell for me. Could you believe it, my husband came home begging that he needs me back. Do you need any kind of help? Contact him now via email: ( ), Website:, call and whats App him via +2348135254384 OR for more confirmation call or text me on my cell# +1 (914) 517-3229. Becky Nolan USA.
ReplyDeleteAUTISM - Kerri Rivera developed the Chlorine Dioxide (CD) autism treatment protocol that addresses the presence of pathogens, such as fungi, bacteria, heavy metals, parasites, candida, etc., found in almost every child with autism / Candida proven to be a cause / low dose naltroxene ( / gluten & dairy-free diet / cannabis oil help patients to talk / Dr Russell Blaylock vaccine detox / Lugol's iodine / Bacteriodes fragilis bolster the immune system and reduce autism / vitamin b12 (adeno B12) and vitamin B3 help with autism / visit and for very useful advice. (
ReplyDeleteI believe in destiny, I also believe I can express my pain or broken heart to anyone whom my instinct guides me to because am not weak or less a human regardless of the criticism I might face from close friends and family. It came to a point in life that I realized I have been losing important people in my life. Just within 3 years, I have already been in 14 relationships and none of them lasted for a month because of my toxic attitude. People keep coming and leaving, and I search for another replacement leaving behind moment we had together thinking that it was the best life to live, until it started to hurt me slowly and making me feeling like am dominated by an evil spirit.
ReplyDeleteIt is unexplainable how my instinct lead me to King Omituko love solution with this email: || when the future was playing some tricks on me after I was conned by some known spell doctors. I never felt so happy until I tasted the powers of Omituko love spell. Contacting him for help really changed my life and liberated me from emotional bondage. I have now found true love and we have been dating for over 6 months, that’s why am sharing this touchy review. His love spell is simply amazing.
In my experience as a special ed teacher, kids with ASD experience intense emotions, they just express them differently. Also, while you modeled that phrase by saying "I love you Timothy" he had to process it and generalize it to get to "I love you mom." This is a much bigger deal! 💕💕
ReplyDeleteHey everyone!
ReplyDeleteToday I come to you with so much excitement!
My Ex and I broke up 1 year and 2 months ago and i was six months pregnant. We both love each other and it was a shock to me and it really broke my heart. I tried to call him and both of his lines were disconnected. I tried to reach him on social networks but he deleted me off of them. I tried to reach his parents and they told me that their son said that he does not love me and does not want to see me and they do not know what is wrong. I cried and cried everyday because I loved him very much. Until I gave birth and the baby was one year old, I could not get my love back. Again, I was confused. I do not know what to do and I also lost my job and I have no money to take care of the baby. I was miserable in life so I cried to my sister and told her my problem and said that she knew of one powerful spell caster that helped her when she could not get pregnant. I contacted him by email and he said he will help me and told me that a woman cast a spell upon my man and said he will help me break the spell so my man will come back to me and be mine forever. It was a great surprise to me that everything that he said came to pass. My man came back to me immediately, saying that I should forgive him. I am sending a very big thank you to this powerful and real spell caster. I pray for him to live long and do more of his wonderful work. If you have any kind of problem disturbing you in life, you have to contact this powerful spell caster! He can help you. He will not disappoint you, I give you 100% guarantee that he will help you, Here’s his contact:
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Call or Whats-app him: +2348160153829
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