Pleased to announce the pairing of................................


Presenting~ FROZEN MySize Dolls Raffle!
FROZEN RAFFLE to support TBOT and HSP!
Now including bonus prizes
~Epicure $40 credit donated by Kari Pattinson shipped or delivered to you free of cost
~ Stainless steel necklace donated by Project Timothy: Piece by Piece (AKA Yours Truly)
~ 2015 Happy Soul Project calendar and kids t-shirt donated by Tara McCallan of Happy Soul Project (if you're not following her yet, you should be)
Only $5 per entry and your five bucks will support all of these amazing on friends, read on.........
- Brantford and area special needs support groups
~Kick cancer's arse capes
-Project Timothy: piece by piece
~Different is beautiful campaign by Happy Soul Project
And so much more!
Prizes will be drawn Wednesday, December 10th @ 7pm and delivered to winners just in time for Christmas.
We really need your help out there guys....
From Tara @ Happy Soul Project~
"All money for fundraiser will be donated to Happy Soul Project's Kick-It-Capes...A campaign in which we send kids facing any type of serious illness or vast difference that needs an extra dose of super-hero strength a special personalized cape and care package."
Help us to INSPIRE CHANGE five dollars at a time.............
tHe BoOk Of TiMoThY oN fAcEbOoK
HaPpY sOuL pRoJeCt On FaCeBoOk